The Top Eight Reasons To Take Out A Personal Loan

with Pacific National Funding

The Top Eight Reasons To Take Out A Personal Loan

Credit cards are one of the easiest ways to obtain credit, most people have a credit card, and it is quick and easy to pay for something using your credit card. But unless you have the financial means to pay off the credit card statement in full every month, then borrowing on your credit card is a quite expensive option.

Many people overlook the idea of getting a personal loan, thinking that it is an inconvenience and that it takes a lot of time and effort, but nothing could be further from the truth, particularly at Pacific National Funding. We have made the entire process quick, efficient, and most of all, simple, and there are no restrictions on what you can spend the money on. Another huge benefit of a personal loan is that you might even be able to get a better deal because you are paying in cash, so the seller knows you are serious and may offer you a discount. We get applications for loans for many different reasons, but let’s take a look at some of the most popular ideas.

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Pay For Medical Bills

You can never plan for someone who you love and care for becoming ill, and sometimes a personal loan might be the perfect solution giving you the option to pay for the treatment without any delay. In a similar vein, many people take out a personal loan to get cosmetic surgery, dental work, and even to pay for fertility treatment. The process of adopting a child can also prove to be expensive, and what better reason to apply for a loan than to adopt a child


To Pay For Your Wedding

The day of your wedding should be the best day of your life, but weddings can be costly. The phrase wedding loan seems to have entered everyday language, but this is just another way of describing a personal loan. Whether you want to pay for the wedding dress, the venue, or the photographer, a personal loan from Pacific National Funding is the perfect solution and could help ensure your special day goes off without a hitch.


Pay Off Credit Cards

Some people are paying an interest rate of 35% on their credit cards, meaning that the debt drops by only a couple of dollars a month if you are only making the minimum payment. Another problem with credit cards is that it is effortless to spend money on them, so the debt continues to spiral. By taking out a personal loan, you can pay off the credit cards, close the account, and once the personal loan is paid off, you will be debt free.


Help To Finance A Home Repair Or Remodel

Not everyone has equity built up in their property and so if the roof develops a leak, or you decide that you want a new kitchen fitted, then a home equity line of credit (HELOC), is unlikely to be an option. These are the type of situations where a personal loan is the best option, and it allows you to get the repair done quickly before any more substantial damage can be caused.


Pay For Moving Expenses

Moving home is exciting, daunting, and expensive. Unfortunately, in the excitement and stress of buying and selling a property, many people forget to take into account the expenses associated with moving home. If you are moving a long distance, whether that is due to a job change, or just buying a new property in a better area, the moving costs can quickly mount up. With a Pacific National Funding personal loan, we can get you moving swiftly, literally!


To Finance Funeral Expenses

Funerals are understandably a topic that nobody wants to discuss, but a funeral is not an inexpensive event. With caskets, burial plots, and funeral home expenses the costs can quickly mount up. In some situations, the cost of the funeral will be paid for from the estate of the deceased, but if there is insufficient money to cover the cost, then the responsibility will have to lie with another family member. This is another example of where a personal loan might be the best solution in a difficult situation.


Buy Yourself A New Car or Boat

We all work hard to provide our families with everything they need and deserve, but all too often we forget about ourselves. Maybe now is the time to treat yourself to a new car or boat. Once your loan is approved, this puts you in a much better bargaining position and could ensure you get the best deal possible, on the car or boat of your dreams.

and finally,

Time To Take A Vacation

Our children grow up way too fast, and when we look back in life, there are certain things about our childhood that stand out in our memory. Taking your family to Disneyland, watching your child's expressions of magic and amazement, are some of the most special moments in your life, but these types of vacation are not exactly cheap. The problem is if you wait and try to save up the money, your children get older, and lose the innocence and excitement which makes Disney so unique in the first place. A loan from Pacific National Funding could enable you to make those memories, which will last a lifetime, while your kids are still young enough to appreciate it.

There are numerous other ideas and opportunities where a personal loan could be the best option for you and your family. Whatever situation you find yourself in, it costs nothing to ask. And if you have any questions, read more in our personal loan FAQ and then click below to book an appointment with one of our team today, and turn your dreams into reality.

We care for you, that's what we do.

See what other people are saying.

From despair to relief, I cannot begin to explain the difference Pacific National Funding has made to my family.

John W.

47 Years Old

A few months ago, we were contemplating filing for bankruptcy, when a friend suggested speaking to Pacific National Funding. From the very first phone call, things were different.

Patrick O.

53 Years Old

Our advisor listened to us, there was never any hard sell or pressure, and he found us a deal which not only saved us money but gave our family a lifeline.

Stephanie T.

35 Years Old

My biggest regret is not contacting Pacific National Funding sooner. I could have saved myself so many sleepless nights, and all it took was one quick phone call.

Jennifer S.

52 Years Old

This is how applying for funding should be done. Quick, simple and straightforward, I was expecting there to be a catch, a complication or a twist. Everything occurred exactly as they told me it would, and my life has changed beyond all recognition.

Elizabeth S.

48 Years Old

All I can say about Pacific is thank you, thank you thank you.

Whitney G.

62 Years Old

Pacific National Funding in one word - Amazing!!!

Christine R.

33 Years Old

Everyone at Pacific really does care about us as a customer, and that makes such a difference. I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Pacific to my friends and family - they are wonderful!

Isaac F.

53 Years Old

Are You Looking To Lower Your Debt?

Not everyone who applies for a loan from us is looking to purchase a car or finance a holiday. For some people who have many loans with stores, credit cards, and banks, a consolidation loan may be a much better solution. By combining all of your debt into one manageable payment, one payment date, and in many cases a better rate of interest, many of our customers save a lot of money in the process. This not only makes everything easier to manage on a daily basis, reduces your payments, but could save you significant money in the long term in interest payments alone. There is also a good chance that you could be debt free quicker allowing you to start planning for the future.

How to lower your debt? Easy.

A Simple Three-Step Process

Applying for your loan as with everything at Pacific National Funding is quick, straightforward and hassle-free. Everything is completed quickly using a tried and tested three-step process.

  • 1

    Calculate Your Rates

    The process for obtaining your rate takes no longer than thirty seconds. Simply answer a few straightforward questions, and you will get a quotation returned within seconds. No more stress hassle, or worry. In fact, the biggest regret we get from our customers is that they wish they had discovered us earlier.

  • 2

    Agree and Accept the Terms

    Once you have received your quotation, all that remains is for you to agree to and accept the terms and conditions. Once again this is all done electronically from the comfort of your own home or office. Believe it or not, that’s all the effort required on your behalf

  • 3

    Get Your Money the Next Day

    In less than 24 hours your money will be deposited in your account, and then you are free to use it to do whatever you wish. Don’t waste any more time, fill in the form and start living your life to the fullest once again.

Checking your rate will not affect your Credit Score

Got questions?

We are ready to help. Call us and let's talk!


Why Trust Pacific National Funding

Here are the Benefits at a Glance

Fast and Hassle-Free

Get started with a fast (and free!) phone call to one of our friendly, informative advisors. It costs you nothing but can save you thousands to speak with us today!

Flexible Terms up to 5 years

Easy and flexible payment terms are just a phone call away. Call us now for an immediate and no-obligation phone consultation to see what you are qualified to receive.

Boost Your Credit

Consolidating your debt is a fantastic alternative to bankruptcy and can give you a credit boost along the way. Ask us how you can get started with a free phone call today.


No Other Fees, We Promise!

We fully disclose the terms, rates and costs all up front so that there are no hidden fees or surprises. You can depend on us for a transparent offer you'll love.

Get your loan in just a few minutes — check our zero commitment offer!

Imagine life after paying off your credit cards.